

To play King’s Quit you need any normal release of the 1991 multimedia version, and the audio resource file from the obscure 1995 SierraOriginals release. The SierraOriginals version is the only version with the unique audio resource file which makes the glitch work.


Normal 1991 version

Use any one of these links.

Unique 1995 audio file

Use any one of these links.


You can also refer to this video I recorded which shows the same steps as well as the result.

  1. Create a folder to install the game in. I use C:\Users\joelm\dos, a directory named dos that I created in my user folder. If you keep the folder address short by creating it directly in your user folder, it makes using DOSBox easier.

  2. Install DOSBox.

    DOSBox is an emulator for MS-DOS, an old kind of computer. This will allow you to run the game.

    Once you’ve installed it, run it and it should look like this.

    DOSBox after launching

  3. Modify the game files.

    You should have a .zip file and an AUDIO001.002 file in your game folder.

    Game folder with two files

    1. Extract the .zip file.

      .zip file extracted

    2. Move the AUDIO001.002 file into the extracted folder. If windows tells you it’s a duplicated, select replace.

      Select the audio file

      Move the audio file

      Replace the audio file

      Audio file moved success

      This screenshot shows the file in place after replacement.

      The file in place after replacement

      The original file is about 94KB. The replacement file is about 117KB.

  4. Install the game in DOSBox like normal

    1. Create a folder which will be used as a virtual hard drive by dosbox.

      New folder

      Give the folder a name

    2. In dosbox, run these commands.

       mount c C:\Users\joelm\dos\harddrive
       mount d C:\Users\joelm\dos\KQ5

      Running the above commands in dosbox

    3. This opens an ancient-looking installer window for the game. Follow the instructions to install (enter, c, down, enter, enter, enter, n, enter, enter, enter).

      Installer start

      Skip a few…

      99 100

      Cli after instalation

    4. You can now run the command kq5 to play the game. Congratulations!

      Typing the kq5 command

      Load screen of the game!

      Menu screen of the game

  5. If you want to make it easier to play the game without setup each time you launch it, search for ‘DOSBox Options’ and add these lines to the end of the configuration file.

     # Lines in this section will be run at startup.
     # You can put your MOUNT lines here.
     MOUNT c C:\Users\joelm\dos\harddrive
     MOUNT d C:\Users\joelm\dos\KQ5
     cd SIERRA

    Dosbox config before edit

    Dosbox config after edit

Thanks for reading!